All in Privacy

California's death and infection rate low despite huge spike in testing

California has tested 5 million specimens for Covid-19. During the entire month of June, the state went from above 50,000 tests per day to well over 100,000 tests per day. Yet infection rates and death rates remain flat.

Tests in California more than doubled between June 1 and July 7, from about 2 million to 5 million. And cases roughly tripled. But the death rate remains between 1% and 2%, while the infection rate is relatively flat between 5% and 11%.

Protect your info

How to quickly find out which apps are using your user info, and shut it down


I have been sharing Facebook info – real info like photos and birthdate – with 98 digital applications, and I had no idea. That my birthdate was being shared with app developers was especially annoying; on my Facebook “proper” privacy settings, my birthdate is visible only to me. Yet there are 98 apps, including Five-Star Slots, Ancestry and Flixster, that have access to my birthdate, my work history, my political persuasion and my photos.

Do you know where your data is? I thought I knew. But since I joined Facebook 10 years ago, the places I consented to leave my data have now faded as quickly as where I went for lunch last week.