

Echo Chambers are Producing Violence

Echo Chambers are Producing Violence

Remember the guy who sent crudely made pipe bombs to Trump’s “enemies” in Washington, D.C.? He had a van plastered with all kinds of kooky stickers and conspiracy theories and a CNN logo with a line through it. It turned out, as I recall, that the pipe bombs were so poorly constructed, they fizzled out without hurting anyone. But the whole event generated a lot of attention.

Then there was the ricin incident right around the same time, when someone sent poison to General Jim Mattis, then the secretary of defense, and as I recall, Don Jr.’s wife Vanessa.

Mass Shooting Coverage is Designed to Divide

Mass Shooting Coverage is Designed to Divide

Belief vs. Fact: The Outrage of the Kavanaugh Confirmation Process

Belief vs. Fact: The Outrage of the Kavanaugh Confirmation Process