

Belief vs. Fact: The Outrage of the Kavanaugh Confirmation Process

Belief vs. Fact: The Outrage of the Kavanaugh Confirmation Process

Award-winning journalist Tatiana Prophet examines the gut-wrenching confirmation process of Brett Kavanaugh -- looking at many of the emotionally charged opinions and arguments that are framing this case.

It feels like a watershed moment for our country. We continue to learn more about the silent suffering of women. But we must also remember, we are not fighting the entire patriarchy all at once. And we're not going to see the end of "innocent until proven guilty."

If this process were actually in a court of law, the accuser would be able to testify and remain anonymous in the media. Instead, she has been victimized twice and paraded before the public -- who have locked horns over whether politics have anything to do with it.

Note slight error in the recording -- "accuser" being anonymous should be "accused" being anonymous.

Please tell us what you think in the comments. Thanks for watching.

I do share my theory about what might have actually happened.

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