All in Public Health

UK sunshine law reveals 2021 spike in cardiac events

Well it turns out that the United Kingdom has a Freedom of Information Act, passed by parliament in 2000, and it is also called the “Freedom of Information Act.”

Thanks to this law, we were able to find out a devastating new statistic from the National Health Service. Between 2020 and 2021, in the second most populous county in England, the average monthly number of cardiac emergency calls nearly doubled in patients under 30 years of age.

The Los Angeles ICU bed shortage seems more like a budget problem

Covid-related admissions and deaths have nearly doubled since Dec. 1; but the state can handle them better than we think
By Tatiana Prophet
The L.A. Times, the Guardian, and every medium in between have told us that Southern California ICUs are as good as closed - 0 percent capacity. How could we question them?

Because the word “capacity” is nebulous. Capacity of what? Licensed beds? No. Medical personnel to staff those beds? Yes, that’s it.

“There are still hospital beds, it’s a question of staffing,” said Cathy Chidester, director of L.A. County’s Emergency Medical Services agency, in a telephone interview. “We ask the state for staffing.” By “we,” she means the four hospitals directly under her purview.

She added: “All of the hospitals are looking for staff,“ she said, indicating that the hospitals that operate outside of DHS have staffing registries.