All in Covid-19

News media backstab Joe Rogan with easily disprovable Covid lie

Joe Rogan is one of the most popular content creators of all time. He is the darling of the wrestling world, and has since become a thought leader as a self-made curator of current events.

Rogan doesn’t endorse politicians outright; but he is fearless in his invitation of alternative points of view to his platform. He has discussed the various vaccines being used around the world, stopping short of making a definitive statement on them. More recently and more prominently, Rogan hosted biologist Bret Weinstein, who resigned from his position at Evergreen College in Olympia, Wash., in the wake of the 2016 election after which some students of color wanted to protest without white professors or students on campus.

Are children the new Covid victims? Hardly.

Major news articles this week have sounded the alarm this morning that small children are flooding the ICUs around the country. Louisiana is in dire straits, with 39 confirmed Covid pediatric hospitalizations across the entire state — wait a minute, really?

By Tatiana Prophet

Last Monday morning, ABC News, NPR and numerous other elite-friendly outlets hit us hard with their lead story: Children with Covid are being admitted to the ICU in droves. But if you look closely, the ABC7 article put out numbers of cases only, and not hospitalizations.

And where the anecdotal stories pierced us in the ribs, they pivot to numbers that don’t apply to the original anecdote.

Take this New York Times article, “The Delta Variant Is Sending More Children to the Hospital. Are They Sicker, Too?” The “lede” is a soft one, the kind that begins with someone’s name, signaling this will be an intimate look. They focus on Sophia Gomez, a healthy 12-year-old who got Covid-19 and developed pneumonia, whereupon she was hospitalized (she is home now). Pneumonia is a common progression of the disease. It merely means an infection of the air sacs in the lungs (i.e. the lower respiratory tract). In terms of Covid, it can occur in the vulnerable, or in healthy people if it is not treated early. In fact wh,en we first heard about the novel coronavirus, global health authorities referred to it as atypical pneumonia.

It turns out that the Times article does not answer its own question whether the Delta variant is making children sicker; and like most articles on Covid, the experts quoted always say the same thing: Covid is spreading, people are dying, and it’s the fault of the unvaccinated. Many of those experts also have conflicts of interest.

Censored! Success in the slums of Mumbai


In July, the World Health Organization highlighted the success of two former Covid danger zones in India, Dharavi and Worli in south Mumbai, as examples that Covid can be “controlled.” Secretary General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus cited the government’s aggressive action as key in the outcome. But he left out a key component that has been absent from other areas around the world that have not seen as dramatic a drop in cases and deaths: the use of anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine plus zinc and vitamin D given to thousands of residents and first responders in those slums.