

The powerful think we're stupid. Let's show them we're not

The powerful think we're stupid. Let's show them we're not

Opinion by Tatiana Prophet

On Nov. 3, 2020, we witnessed manipulation in real time on the television screen.

First there were the early calls that candidates had won particular states, but really they were projections. And let’s hope they weren’t deliberate lies. A call should be definitive. It is not supposed to change. But the calls from various “decision desks” changed all evening, and all night.

Then there was the sudden pause in counting in crucial battleground states, then stonewalling, then a sudden jump in votes for Joe Biden.

We don’t have all the facts, but we do know when we’re being stonewalled, censored and controlled. What a coincidence that social media users are being herded by the tech companies into forbidden areas that are proven false by “fact checkers.” Well and good, but when the fact checkers are simply the same cast of characters, even a child could figure out that there’s a problem. Especially because the fact checks are a little like sawdust on the palate. Full of a definitive tone, but very little proof. And almost always, missing context.

We’ve been coerced into silence too often this year to believe that this general election was a win for our Republic. The biggest casualty was our widespread confidence in our elections. If the national media is so sure of what they are “calling,” why not recount every vote to restore confidence in our system? And the fact checkers always protest too much,

1) Never have we had millions of ballots sent out that were not requested, to people who had long since moved, or even, passed away.
2) Never have we experienced a mass admonishment to vote by mail, and censorship of the very real reports of election counting failures earlier in the year involving mail-in ballots.
3) Never have we been asked to believe that church or synagogue or mosque worship events are super spreaders of Covid-19, but the protests that turned violent and went on for months were the only mass gatherings that were not super spreaders of Covid-19.
4) Never have we been asked to swallow narratives that make little to no sense, on the scale that we’ve been asked to this year.

What is going on? Deliberate confusion, and the NYT and WaPo are complicit. Please watch this video and hear my plea to stand up and help every poll counter and postal service worker — and every true journalist — to say enough is enough. We will not be part of this charade anymore. We will stand for truth and do what’s right. We will evaluate all ideas on their merit, we will search for the veracity of every claim, we will follow every lead of suspected illegal activity to undermine our republic, and we will — peacefully — protest until we get the complete truth.

The truth: It's almost always in the fine print

The truth: It's almost always in the fine print

The race to call the winner -- ends in no winner at all

The race to call the winner -- ends in no winner at all