

EXCLUSIVE: Interview with super-attorney Leigh Dundas

EXCLUSIVE: Interview with super-attorney Leigh Dundas

VIDEO: Self-described abolitionist does not mince words about the implications of vaccine passports.

“We’ve already lost New York City and San Francisco,” she said. “We want to make those outliers.” She claimed that the defeat of vaccine passports in Orange County was at least in part due to advertising she sponsored which featured a Holocaust survivor.

She said if the effort is to be successful, a high-net-worth individual needs to come forward and pay for more advertising around the country, she said.

Dundas was the keynote speaker at the rally, which hosted a crowd of roughly 2,500 people.

Rallygoers marched on Ocean Avenue engaging with some motorists, some of home beeped their horns i response.

Interview recorded on August 20, 2021, after the S.O.S. California No Vaccine Passport rally in Tongvas Park, Santa Monica, by Tatiana Prophet, Editor-in-Chief.

Watch the video here.

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